The Real Power of Online Video Marketing


Today, watching online videos has revolutionised how we satisfy our information and entertainment needs. The growing list of platforms that facilitate online video content such as Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Facebook provide us with streams of content to view. We also have the option to engage in real-time through Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin Stories, Twitter’s Fleets, Live Streaming and Snapchat Stories. So why should brands use online video content as part of their core marketing strategy?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

First off, utilising video content as part of your marketing strategy will improve the SEO of your brand by increasing the likelihood of your website appearing on the front page of results returned by a search engine. Therefore increasing the potential website clicks and traffic to your site.

Higher Attention and Retention

Despite online users today experiencing content-overload, online videos have proven to capture more attention than other mediums. Factors such as the quality, nature and exposure of the video contribute to its success. Data shows that 65% of viewers watch more than ¾ of a video, this is why video has a higher retention rate over text-based content.

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Increased Engagement and Conversion

Online video content can evoke emotions in viewers which often prompt engagement. Audiences are 10 times more likely to engage, embed, share, and comment on video content than blogs or related social posts. The beauty of video is that stronger emotional connections can be facilitated between audiences and brands through video. From a business perspective, this can be beneficial in enhancing positive customer decision making, with research showing that 71% of marketers say video conversion rates outperform other marketing content. We found that through our client work, posting high-quality video content, in real-time with clever captions would prompt engagement from online users.


Improve Email Open Rates

We are familiar with the time, consideration and planning that goes into crafting good email copy, yet we can never be certain as to whether the recipient will even read it or have it resonate with them. The use of video content in emails helps double click-through rates, furthering the success rate of email marketing as a whole. 


Hopefully, you have learnt a thing or two about online video marketing from reading this article. The next step would be to consider whether you would want to implement online video marketing into your brand.  

At Moyesa & Co we build comprehensive video strategies to ensure the content we film will best resonate with your target audience. For more information, get in touch.


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