BeScience STEM

Empower, Inspire and Inform.



  • Social Media Strategy

  • Asset + Content Planning

  • Community Management

  • Campaign Management

The Brief

BeScience STEM is a pioneering movement, initiated by students and recent graduates, providing means of creatively exploring STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) with the whole community, with the aim to hopefully change the misconceptions of it being a boring subject. Aimed to empower, inspire and inform, BST provides students with the opportunity to turn their visions to reality, by experimenting with the latest innovation, encouraging academia to prepare for career development. 

The Challenge

The movement is delivered via regular free tuition, nation-wide pop-up workshops and much more. A few of our programs include STEM Juniors, Creative KidsLAB and LibraryLAB, although the latter garnered them much success within the STEM space, they were looking for a marketing partner that could create a sense of brand and take their offering to the next level. We were tasked with the launch of their Twitter page, strategy, content development and community management. As a bonus we also provided BST with event consultancy to help prepare them for the inaugural 'STEMSOCIAL' conference and identify with a younger market. 

Market Analysis

Through focus groups with the children and market research we discovered that millions of kids not only lacked the awareness and technology, but the resources to y inspire them to continue at least one of the four subjects at further education. We identified these key #StatsandFacts.

  • Studies show that only 24% of girls are in the STEM industry.

  • There is a part of STEM that doesn’t cater to this generations way of learning or presents a means to connect their interests to jobs, resulting in less parent appreciation.

  • Children associate education with dullness

  • Digitising schools increased the interest of Tech

  • There were not enough events that bridged the gap between education and youth.

Driven by the research, we were able to understand children aged 3-19 (BST core consumer target) didn't require digital and experiential to merely pay attention to the data, but to develop affinity with said group it was crucial to focus on the details and ways that mattered and worked the most with them.

Event Strategy:

We discovered that the best way to court Gen-Z, is through experiential marketing. In order to increase brand affinity, different forms of entertainment mirroring their lives pre and post school is essential. This informed the decision to include youth-centric copy and music via a live DJ, where they could request We also understood that if their friends were willing to attend the event, them it would influence individual decision making. This was almost critical
to the marketing message process.


Social Media Strategy

BeScienceSTEM also asked us to develop social media points of actions:

  • We've incorporated modern social media in the conference, such as Snapchat takeovers that
    will be edited and uploaded to the YouTube channel for the conference.

  • Music that students will tweets using the hashtag before and during breaks of the show,
    requesting their favourite songs that the DJ will be able to play.

  • Take down their details, add them to a mailing list that will enable us to send any work
    experience information, so they don't feel as if it's a conference that has added 0 value to their

The social media was deemed importance millennials and Generation Z, are intricately and consistently connected via social media, therefore it informed to connect with the BST’s target audience and drove comprehension, education and awareness of the BeScience brand values.

STEM Social Conference

We worked in partnership with BeScience STEM to bring the concept and sponsorship to life.
